
Talent Rediscovery

With, your past recruitment efforts become a goldmine of potential. You’ve already invested time and money into building a library of candidates, our AI helps you get the most out of that investment by surfacing the best talent within your existing dataset.

Unlock Your Hiring Advantage

The silver-medalists from your past open roles could be gold-medalists for your current open roles. Bring them to the surface and build better teams even before the applications start coming in — all from within the ATS.

sourcing main

Candidate Experience

By empowering recruiters to move much faster, candidates experience much quicker response times.

Immediate Results

Instantly see results from without spending more time doing search strings and gathering data. 

Candidate Reengagement

Hire faster with “warm” candidates who have already shown interest and want to work at your company. 

Don’t Take Our Word for It

To know that a candidate applied for a job 5 months ago and now emerged as a match for a new job right out of the gate is a huge value to us and saves our team an incredible amount of time.

Ian Ide

VP of Talent Acquisition, Foundation Medicine, Inc.

Our Customers

See in Action Today

See immediate results by unlocking instant insights from your existing data, regardless of your ATS.

ATS Integrations

Supercharge your ATS with the power of AI today!

On another ATS? Not a problem! Regardless of your ATS, our integration is simple. Let’s get in touch!

From Our Blog

Check out our blog for the latest insights, from AI in talent acquisition to AI regulations and AI-powered DEI initiatives.